Our fees
The standard fee structure for the Home including food, accommodation, nursing, general care and basic laundry requirements is as follows:
From £700 per week / person
Prior to admission all residents will undergo a needs assessment as part of their care planning. Fees will vary and be based upon the above scale and adjusted according to resident’s dependency and level of nursing care required.
What types of nursing care are there?
Under the Health & Social Care Act, individuals assessed as needing nursing care in a nursing home, are entitled to receive an additional nursing care allowance. This is officially known as a NHS Nursing Care Payment.
An NHS nurse will personally assess each resident, at the time they enter a nursing home.
The NHS will meet the nursing care allowance and the money is usually paid directly to the nursing home.
Free advice on the payment of fees
We would be happy to offer free advice as to the funding of care fees and explain the government funding that may be available. Please feel free to contact the Home and speak to the Registered Manager.
The standard fee structure for the Home including food, accommodation, nursing, general care and basic laundry requirements is as follows:
From £700 per week / person
Prior to admission all residents will undergo a needs assessment as part of their care planning. Fees will vary and be based upon the above scale and adjusted according to resident’s dependency and level of nursing care required.
What types of nursing care are there?
Under the Health & Social Care Act, individuals assessed as needing nursing care in a nursing home, are entitled to receive an additional nursing care allowance. This is officially known as a NHS Nursing Care Payment.
An NHS nurse will personally assess each resident, at the time they enter a nursing home.
The NHS will meet the nursing care allowance and the money is usually paid directly to the nursing home.
Free advice on the payment of fees
We would be happy to offer free advice as to the funding of care fees and explain the government funding that may be available. Please feel free to contact the Home and speak to the Registered Manager.